A photo of Archie, a white nonbinary person in dark pants and a blue suit jacket, standing on a red circle rug in front of the letters "TEDxUofSC"


I was selected to be one of the 2020 speakers for TEDxUofSC. In my talk, I shared a linguistic perspective to help the audience embrace language evolution concerning gender and identity.

In March 2021, the talk was selected to be featured on the TED website, and it currently has over 1.4 million views!

In the News

In Linguistics

  • In May 2021, the LSA Executive Committee adopted the LSA Statement Against Linguistic Misgendering written by COZIL (which I helped organize and draft) that "provides a statement of LSA values which recognizes the role of language in creating a welcoming environment for students and practitioners of linguistics, and recognizes the harms that result when linguists or community members reject this role."

  • I am the former chair of the LSA's Committee on the LGBTQ+[Z] Issues in Linguistics (COZIL). Read the COZIL Blog for a wide range of articles on Queer and Trans Linguistics, and get involved with our various ongoing project to promote queer linguists and linguistics!

A screenshot of a document that has the LSA logo at the top and reads "LSA statement against linguistic misgendering"
The COZIL logo, a circle of the progress pride flag with the letters "LSA" on top, surrounded by the words "Committee on LGBTQ+ [Z] Issues in Linguistics"